The 7 Habs of Highly Effective People - Stephen R Covey


 The book deals with seven habits necessary for a successful life based on humanity. This book is very friendly and deals with various aspects of life, and is full of practical advice and wisdom.



Introduction to the author

 Stephen Covey is an American writer, speaker, and organizational consultant. He writes best-selling books such as "The 7 Habs of Highly Effective People" and is a worldwide enthusiastic advocate of how to achieve educational, professional, and personal goals for the purpose and success of life.


 I got a lot of motivation and inspiration from this book. Stephen Covey teaches each individual how to actively manage and develop his or her life and how to lead a successful life through seven habits. In particular, I was greatly impressed by the concept of "transition of thought." In the book, Covey emphasizes that if we change our perception and attitude toward situations that we accept on a daily basis, we can find new solutions and possibilities. 

That’s why…

"The Seven Habits of Successful People" gave me a new perspective and a deep thought about self-development, motivating me to further develop my life. Let's think about life again after reading this book, and move forward vigorously to achieve a successful life through seven habits!


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